Robert Fripp

Robert Fripp's Diary

Saturday 13 August 2011

Bredonborough The Minx was doing



The Minx was doing e-mail at 01.00 and up at 04.00 to address officings.

Morning reading…


Online access has dropped to pitiful.

12.58    Over the road to Blower’s I…






Returning to e-flurrying and the i-Words. The VP of Legal Affairs at Grooveshark has responded to our yesterday-mailings…

Mr. Panegyric and Mr. Fripp:

I am surprised by your complete lack of professionalism and diligence... I am told that King Crimson content has been delivered to us by our label partners and I fail to see how Mr. Director Of Content Acquisitions’ inquiry to license more King Crimson material is an example of "continuing industry infractions." Mr. Director Of Content Acquisitions’ was in essence asking if we could pay you more money.

You do not have Grooveshark or Mr. Director Of Content Acquisitions’ permission to reproduce his email conversations, and both reserve all rights with regard to any inaccurate or defamatory publication you make.

My reply…

dear Mr. VP of Legal Affairs at Grooveshark

i note you reserve all rights with regard to any inaccurate or defamatory publication.

1.    how and why is directly quoting you either inaccurate or defamatory?

2.    why do you feel strongly about your rights, and yet deny us our rights?

3.    may i dare you to publish our correspondence, and recommend to us that we do the same, that the interested world may see how you suffer so much from copyright holders whose complete lack of professionalism and diligence leads them to remind you repeatedly over a period of years that you have no justification to KC material and serve you with takedown notices?

as a point of interest, in the Guitar Craft and Guitar Circle series of seminars, now over 26 years, much attention is paid to naming. this is also a feature of many cultures. the basic notion is that in taking a name, we are recognising our identity, the ipseity of our nature, and presenting to the world the essence of what we are.

in this respect, may i congratulate Grooveshark on exemplifying the notion.

also as a point of interest, the last US lawyer who began to take a snippy tone with me when i objected to copyright violation (by lakeshore entertainment) stopped writing to me after i-Tunes followed my position (i sent them detailed evidence of my copyright ownership) rather than Mr. Bossy & Threatening LA Entertainment Industry Lawyer With a 70% Litigation Practice (who didn't).

you are at the wrong end of this.

sincerely, RF.

16.38 Out to the Piddle…


… for lunch with Barbara. WillyFred wanted so much to play with Bibwa (he can’t quite pronounce her name) that we took him along with us. But this Prince Of His Kind had not taken into account that Willcox women are pro-active with those for whom they are Primary Care Providers. Toe-nail cutting time I…






WillyFred didn’t have a chance.

Returning home to the continuing life of a professional player…

dear Mr. Director of Content Acquisition,

i note that  Grooveshark Director, Content Acquisition... you are Director of Content Acquisition.

for the purposes of further clarification, would you kindly explain to me how you acquire content?

the specific content acquisition that interests me is King Crimson as i have never granted digital rights to any party. this includes streaming rights.

as your Mr. VP of Legal Affairs at Grooveshark has now begun to insult my partners and myself, no doubt on the basis of being mis-told, it would surely be to the advantage of all that you establish your position clearly.

then, perhaps, we can determine accountability in who mis-informed Mr. VP of Legal Affairs at Grooveshark and he will be able to withdraw honourably from his current, and untenable, position.

this need not involve an apology, because he is acting on mis-information. as you are the Director of Content Acquisition, the responsibility would seem prima facie to rest with you.

perhaps you have yourself been mis-informed by your label partners? if so, names and dates please. otherwise, we move from responsibility, as head of department, to culpability.

it's not for me to tell you, or mr. custer, how to run your affairs. but, given the number of times you have been given notice of infraction by grayzone, further attempted defence of your position would be pretty dopey. grooveshark's streaming of unlicensed KC material is clear demonstration that your actions are in disregard of copyright law, at least.

meanwhile, names of label partners and details of the telling to mr. custer, please.

sincerely, rf.

PS you have my full permission to reproduce my e-mail conversations to you, whether in public or private media. in fact, i encourage you to do so. this falls under the heading of transparency, one of the characteristics of the ethical company.

17.41    To a colleague…

constructive dismissal: since much of my professional life in the past 20 years has been in conflict, continuing, my current position is to seek accountability from those who have violated trust / responsibility. it comes at a price, but i feel that right now there is a groundswell of public opinion that is rightly directed towards Power Possessors in various capacities.

18.14    Out to the Piddle for a Willcox family supper.

21.24    And now gentling time. WillyFred is looking cute and expectant of attention.
